Time to Think Coaching


You need only be with Anna to experience a Thinking Environment. Anna embodies every component. And she teaches each with elegance, not only from her impressive expertise but also from her life. If you get to be with Anna to learn and understand these beautiful conditions for independent thinking, you are fortunate. Indeed. 
​- Nancy Kline; Time to Think


The quality of everything we do depends on the thinking we do first. We live in a world where we listen to respond, not to truly hear. A Thinking Environment® creates a place where people can think for themselves with rigour, imagination, courage and grace.

Anna strives to create and teach how to create Thinking Environments® for businesses, from start-ups to large corporates, from the Boardroom to the shop floor, through courses, workshops, team and one-to-one coaching.

​Following 30 years of research, the author of Time to Think, Nancy Kline has identified ten behaviours that create an optimum Thinking Environment®, facilitating breakthrough thinking to enable action.  In the presence of these ten behaviours, people think for themselves with rigour, imagination, courage and grace.

Anna is a qualified Time to Think Coach, Facilitator and Teacher. She is an active member of the Time to Think UK and German collegiate. She has trained predominately with Nancy Kline, the pioneer of the Thinking Environment. Anna is passionate about how to create Thinking Environments® in our organisations, teams and our lives and how to help others to experience the profound impact of generating independent thinking in this world of increasing competition, complexity and time pressure.

“The quality of everything we do, everything, depends on the quality of the thinking that we do about it first. The quality of the thinking that we do, depends on how we are being treated by the people we are thinking with, including ourselves.”
Nancy Kline

Time to Think Coaching

There are several ways to experience the Thinking Environment


An interactive session 90 minutes in which you can personally experience the impact of the Thinking Environment in groups. Here you can discover for yourselves:

 How a Thinking Environment promotes high quality thinking and decision-making.
 How it helps to build trust and unleashes creativity.
 What it feels like when someone helps you to ignite your thinking.
 A powerful coaching tool that enables the coachee to think things through so their resulting decisions are sound and fully actionable
 How a thinking environment can transform team and group meetings of all kinds for maximum effectiveness.

For further information, details of costs, timings and next scheduled programmes contact anna directly at [email protected]


For developing skill and presence in one-to-one work and helping people to generate their own thinking without them being interrupted, guided or advised.
Experience the Difference
People can think for themselves. It is their natural birthright to do so. This innate ability can, and mostly is, intruded upon and eroded by parental and educational messaging: resulting in an internalised assumption – that we need others to help us in order to know what to do. Learning to become a Thinking Partner is possibly the most helpful skill to cultivate. Having the courage to trust someone else’s intelligence for themselves is a profound gift of humanity and leadership.

​In the 3-day Thinking Partnership course: 2 consecutive days, with a third day a few weeks later, allowing for practice in between days 2 & 3.  Participants will learn to offer the quality of attention we call generative.
When people are thinking for themselves and are on an “independent roll”, being listened to by someone who knows how to create a Thinking Environment for them, they can and will discover the full territory of their thinking. From there they can clarify their objectives, surface and remove untrue limiting assumptions that stand in their way, and generate new ideas and insights that free them to live life fully. The human mind is capable of all this, innately. When, for whatever reason, this innate capacity becomes blocked, Thinking Partners have learned to recognise where the thinker is now, and where they are needing to go next, and what question(s) will enable them to get back onto a roll of their own independent thinking. ​

For further information, details of costs, timings and next scheduled programmes contact anna directly at [email protected]


For anyone who manages or facilitates or works with or in teams, this programme will inspire you to participate in and lead day-to-day discussions and meetings differently.
This powerful Foundation Course gives participants a complete overview of the range of ways in which the Thinking Environment can be applied. Exploring the system of human behaviour now known as The Ten Components of a Thinking Environment ®, participants also are exposed to four building block practices which can be used individually or in combination with each other to create a thinking environment in group settings (team coaching, meetings, presentations, assisting a person with a challenge by drawing on a group’s previous experience of similar challenges). Participants will also have an opportunity to observe a Thinking Session and discover how to build Incisive Questions.

For further information, details of costs, timings and next scheduled programmes contact anna directly at [email protected]


Do you want to…
Create an environment in which people feel valued, equal, engaged and thus more likely to participate?
Create a shared sense of responsibility for the success of meetings?
Get the best thinking from everyone in the room, not just a few?
Generate better ideas, solutions, decisions and commitment to following through on agreed action?
Use time efficiently so that meetings can be both quick and productive?
Enable differences of opinion to be voiced, respectfully and productively?
Create a positive culture that ripples out from the meeting?

If you do, then you will learn that the way people behave with each other in meetings determines the quality of the thinking in them – and beyond.  And be able to apply that learning, instantly.

The programme for 6-12 people runs over a day. It can be for mixed or intact groups, and work on real, live issues, tasks or projects. This allows everyone to experience how very practical it is and to apply the principles immediately in their work – both in their own team and in other meetings they participate in. 

So productive meetings will become more widely felt in the whole organisation.  It will ripple out from there.

For further information, details of costs, timings and next scheduled programmes contact anna directly at [email protected]


The experience was profound at all levels – as much personally as professionally. It opened my eyes to how I might parent differently as well as coach and consult differently. It utterly brought to life the meaning of generative attention. I had a tangible sense of this quality of extraordinary quality of attention. I feel totally “held” by Anna, in a safe and supportive space which feels utterly non-judgement. It allows me to say things out loud that I might not even fully acknowledge to myself in my head usually.


Who can escape the magic of being listened to as if you were the sole being in this world? And then being subtly guided to conclusions you wouldn’t have dreamed of before?


I was amazed how in a short space of time the Thinking Environment facilitated by Anna fostered a feeling of connection between a group of people who do not all know each other very well. It cut through superficiality and dived quickly, but in a way that felt comfortable, to an authentic interaction between group members.


A wonderful awakening experience and journey to connecting deeper to whom I am. Anna is so real and authentic. She explains things so clearly, she is knowledgeable, confident, professional and makes us feel safe to explore.


Anna has brought the team together on a journey of empowerment, empathy and self-discovery. Time to Think is a gift in our busy lives.


I found the Thinking Environment session facilitated by Anna very inspiring. It has motivated me continuously to spend enough time on setting up teams and the right environments. The Thinking Environment is a good framework to have meaningful conversations.


A great method to strengthen collaboration, build trust and enhance the depth and quality of thinking in ANY team. Anna is so competent, supportive, and generous.


I have just completed a 3-day Thinking Partnership course based on Nancy Kline’s Time to Think and facilitated by the inspiring Anna Inama. This was the first time that this course was run virtually – and this is typical of the trailblazing attitude that Anna has – boldly leading where no one has gone before. Over the three days, Anna took us through the main concepts of Time to Think interspersing experiential learning with teaching and discussion on the application of the principles. As a result, I feel that I now clearly understand many of the cool concepts that underpin Time to Think – through generative attention facilitating independent thinking in my clients. What an amazing experience it is to be able to speak without being interrupted – to have time to formulate and explore my thoughts. I am now seeing the positive impact that this approach has on my clients. I would thoroughly recommend this course to any coach who wants to develop their skills – especially, but not only, for coaches who act as sparring partners with executives and leaders.


Anna is providing a warm, fun, practical and trust-based experience that enables participants to maximize insights, have a go and enjoy learning. I found this a time well spent, I feel more confident and at ease with my signature coaching!


I learn a lot from every coaching session. She allows me to take a step back and think about who I am as an executive, and where I want to go. It’s been an enriching experience. The opportunity to be able in the moment of coaching to ask questions and to get her perspective. It’s all about understanding my brand. I have found my coaching experience most enriching when asked questions and then to think through these questions.


Anna has a unique ability and capacity to be able to help you experience and coach you through the Time to Think methodology and modality in its entirety. I have recently experienced her do that with grace, ease and a large dose of energy and fun along the way too.

Anna lives, breaths and embodies the work of Nancy Kline and she shows an outstanding passion and dedication for the work and her work with clients. Anna is an extraordinary and deeply personable human being. She is also an absolute joy to be around. I highly recommend working with Anna.


The Time to Think Foundation course is an immersion in the The Thinking Environment that reveals what is possible in our thinking within the relational space. I was struck by the clarity and conviction in Anna’s facilitation – without slides or reliance on handouts, she both embodied the thinking environment and brought it to life between us as participants. This learning is pragmatic, and no doubt, all of us have changed how we listen, how we curate meeting and learning spaces and more than anything, we experienced what it’s like to be at the edge of our thinking, into our collective creativity that mostly lies untapped. Thank you Anna, and I look forward to taking this learning deeper.


Being in a thinking environment has changed the way I see and experiene the world and those around
me. Anna masterfully creates a thinking environment for her particpants to experience the power and
magic of the human mind unfolding.


Anna is wonderful ambassador of the powerful and pioneering work of Nancy Kline in the T2T courses
that she leads. Anna embodies the work and the components in the environment in which she delivers
first class coaching theory and practice balanced with incredible amounts of ease, joy and fun too.
Anna Inama. Highly recommend!


Anna created a wonderful learning environment for us, allowing us to both experience and experiment with being and facilitating a thinking environment. I am now more confident to try things I may have previously dismissed. The content of the course has many immediate applications in my coaching and consulting practice, and has enhanced my understanding and appreciation for Nancy Kline’s work. Highly recommended.


Time to Think must be lived to understand and Anna does a wonderful job in delivering an intense, yet rightly paced course. No need to buy the book, start with her course.


The programme was structured and paced in a way that respected my current level of experience as a coach and professional. Anna facilitated me in challenging and expanding my thinking and practice Anna is a truly amazing thinking partner. Anna struck a really nice balance of being a true advocate of the Thinking Environment work but also how it can be adapted whilst maintaining the true essence of the approach. This was just the experience and
development I needed at this point in my journey, thank you to Anna and the group.


Very engaging and practical course. During the 2 days you will gain a solid understanding the 10 components of the thinking environment and get the opportunity to practice and experience the applications first hand. It was a truly invaluable experience and I highly appreciated the human connections made during the course.



The experience was profound at all levels – as much personally as professionally. It opened my eyes to how I might parent differently as well as coach and consult differently. It utterly brought to life the meaning of generative attention. I had a tangible sense of this quality of extraordinary quality of attention. I feel totally “held” by Anna, in a safe and supportive space which feels utterly non-judgement. It allows me to say things out loud that I might not even fully acknowledge to myself in my head usually.


Who can escape the magic of being listened to as if you were the sole being in this world? And then being subtly guided to conclusions you wouldn’t have dreamed of before?


I was amazed how in a short space of time the Thinking Environment facilitated by Anna fostered a feeling of connection between a group of people who do not all know each other very well. It cut through superficiality and dived quickly, but in a way that felt comfortable, to an authentic interaction between group members.


A wonderful awakening experience and journey to connecting deeper to whom I am. Anna is so real and authentic. She explains things so clearly, she is knowledgeable, confident, professional and makes us feel safe to explore.


Anna has brought the team together on a journey of empowerment, empathy and self-discovery. Time to Think is a gift in our busy lives.


I found the Thinking Environment session facilitated by Anna very inspiring. It has motivated me continuously to spend enough time on setting up teams and the right environments. The Thinking Environment is a good framework to have meaningful conversations.


A great method to strengthen collaboration, build trust and enhance the depth and quality of thinking in ANY team. Anna is so competent, supportive, and generous.


I have just completed a 3-day Thinking Partnership course based on Nancy Kline’s Time to Think and facilitated by the inspiring Anna Inama. This was the first time that this course was run virtually – and this is typical of the trailblazing attitude that Anna has – boldly leading where no one has gone before. Over the three days, Anna took us through the main concepts of Time to Think interspersing experiential learning with teaching and discussion on the application of the principles. As a result, I feel that I now clearly understand many of the cool concepts that underpin Time to Think – through generative attention facilitating independent thinking in my clients. What an amazing experience it is to be able to speak without being interrupted – to have time to formulate and explore my thoughts. I am now seeing the positive impact that this approach has on my clients. I would thoroughly recommend this course to any coach who wants to develop their skills – especially, but not only, for coaches who act as sparring partners with executives and leaders.


Anna is providing a warm, fun, practical and trust-based experience that enables participants to maximize insights, have a go and enjoy learning. I found this a time well spent, I feel more confident and at ease with my signature coaching!


I learn a lot from every coaching session. She allows me to take a step back and think about who I am as an executive, and where I want to go. It’s been an enriching experience. The opportunity to be able in the moment of coaching to ask questions and to get her perspective. It’s all about understanding my brand. I have found my coaching experience most enriching when asked questions and then to think through these questions.


Being in a thinking environment has changed the way I see and experiene the world and those around
me. Anna masterfully creates a thinking environment for her particpants to experience the power and
magic of the human mind unfolding.


Anna is wonderful ambassador of the powerful and pioneering work of Nancy Kline in the T2T courses
that she leads. Anna embodies the work and the components in the environment in which she delivers
first class coaching theory and practice balanced with incredible amounts of ease, joy and fun too.
Anna Inama. Highly recommend!


Anna created a wonderful learning environment for us, allowing us to both experience and experiment with being and facilitating a thinking environment. I am now more confident to try things I may have previously dismissed. The content of the course has many immediate applications in my coaching and consulting practice, and has enhanced my understanding and appreciation for Nancy Kline’s work. Highly recommended.


Time to Think must be lived to understand and Anna does a wonderful job in delivering an intense, yet rightly paced course. No need to buy the book, start with her course.


The programme was structured and paced in a way that respected my current level of experience as a coach and professional. Anna facilitated me in challenging and expanding my thinking and practice Anna is a truly amazing thinking partner. Anna struck a really nice balance of being a true advocate of the Thinking Environment work but also how it can be adapted whilst maintaining the true essence of the approach. This was just the experience and
development I needed at this point in my journey, thank you to Anna and the group.


Very engaging and practical course. During the 2 days you will gain a solid understanding the 10 components of the thinking environment and get the opportunity to practice and experience the applications first hand. It was a truly invaluable experience and I highly appreciated the human connections made during the course.